Mittwoch, 31. Dezember 2008

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Zitat (
  • The way Ayaan 'fumbled' with her identy, was adviced to her by the politically correct immigration service, the way the majority of these 'refugees' act, when entering our 'liberal' country, Holland.
  • As a result we're overcrowded by all types of economically oriented ' refugees', of which a great quantity even throws away their passports, so they cannot be send back again.
  • So far Ayaan was very honest, the fact that she mixed the names of her grandfather and her great grandfather is in my eyes such a minor detail compared to the great contribution she paid our country.
  • On the islam issue, it can't be denied that she's from Islamic roots and her islamic grandmother did personally the genital (not ' gentile as you wrote) mutilation in the name of Allah.
  • As our major socialistic party (PvdA, meaning Partij van de Arbeid/labour) is running short of 'labourers' they now changed their 'target' to the so called allochtone citizen, of which the islamists form the major part. So people are saying PvdA stands for Partij van de Allahtonen (or even Allah!).
  • In their pursuit of these new voters they try to 'pamper' these (often) rather illiterates (speaking only Berber language).So no bad words on Islam is accepted any more in our country, now a christian/socialist coalition. Both parties have their own hidden agenda.
  • So, Ayaan, after finishing her university (she is no illiterate!!!!) she joined thsi so called socialist party, hoping that she could make her point nore clear on the backwardness on the Islam, evn by calling Mohamed a paedophile (to our standards now).
  • The result is evident, no possibilty to get on any ' electable place' on this PvdA, she 'stepped over' to the liberal party, VVD. There she was received with open arms. as this party is not so vehemently dependent on this Alla adepts.
  • The socialists did not like her move, as she appeared to be a huge vote attractor (I voted for her). So she got her seat in parliament, with everybody knowing on her 'fumbling' with te names of her ancestors.
  • So the socialists went in the 'attack'
  • Last weapon fact was a program called Zembla, aired by the state television (95 % in the hands of the leftists). In that program some old facts were 'rediscovered' (we call that getting old cows from the ditch).
  • The then minister of integration, Rita Verdonk, who did a hell of a job keeping the gates to Holland a little bit closed, stepped in the trap, put up by the socialists, who eagerly wanted to get rid of this emeninent Islam critic, and she had to ' take away' Ayaan's citizenship, which after all was illegal.
  • Anyhow Ayaan had to leave the parliament, earlier then she expected and went earlier to the USA. Next to this political mover there were some neighbours wo felt themselves ' offended' by the scurity measures, necessary for her safety.
  • So far on Ayaan
  • Just very recently the storry seems to repeat, with a Iranian man (22 years) being a member of the municipality (PvdA) in Holland, he is an islam critic and also quit this religion. That now is ' not done' in the PvdA. So they try to hold the leech, which he does not like.
  • Just recently he was beaten down in a super marketr by two Maroccan and one Somali (beard bearer). It is just the same scenario as with Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh and also Ayaan (luckil not killed).
  • There can be reacted in English. I hope this very young islam critic will get a better protection then Theo van Gogh, as these islamoriented killers are still on the loos, defending their 'prophet' eventually with a sword (Theo van Gogh had his throat cut)

... The World Health Organization estimates that over 130 million girls and women have been genitally mutilated, and about 2 million more are at risk each year ...


Der jetzige praktizierte Islam in vielen Ländern ist in einigen sehr wichtigen Angelegenheiten genauso suspekt wie das Christentum im tiefsten schwärzesten Mittelalter. Das müsste nicht sein, wenn sich viel mehr gemäßigte Moslems eindeutig und laut vernehmbar von ihren brutalen Glaubensgenossen distanzieren und konkret handeln. Menschen wie Ayaan Hirsi Ali machen den Anfang - noch mehr islamische Frauen sollten aufstehen und endlich sagen, wie sie über die Misshandlungen ihrer Glaubensschwestern denken, selbst wenn sie nie Augenzeugen von Verstümmelung und Misshandlung waren.

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