Donnerstag, 5. November 2015

Polyglot: " Guess what I am speaking "

 Me speaking ...

Baby is speaking gibberish
dad is speaking Russian

Baby Argues With Bulldog

4 Year old Girl speaks 3 languages 
(English, Russian, Spanish)


TRILINGUAL Little Girl speaks three languages
english french spanish without mixing them


 7 year old polyglot speaks 5 languages

 Olly Richards

 English, Chinese, French, Indonesian, 
Japanese, Javanese

 Polish Polyglot speaking 
6 languages and a dialect

 English, German, Spanish, Romanian, Russian, 
Swedish and the Lombard language

 European speaks 19 languages

 Girl Speaks 20 Languages


 Ukrainian polyglot speaks 20 languages

American Polyglot Practicing 20 Languages

 Polyglot speaking 40 languages: 
Sylin's experience with Italki 

Talking about languages

 How HyperPolyglot Emanuele Marini Learn 
30+ Languages (First Ever English Interview) 


 Richard Simcott: Hyperpolyglot
 Speaking Over 40 Languages

 Live Polyglot Language
Learning Discussion

 Steven Pinker: Linguistics as a Window
to Understanding the Brain

Guess the language

Guess the language while listen 
the speech of news anchors

Turkic languages


Guess the language 

European Language Families

Which European Language Sounds 
The Best In Your POV? (Final) 

Europe language families:
TV fragments (38 languages) 

Which Asian language sounds
the best in your POV? (Final)


30 Dialects of the English language in the UK

 28 Different English Speaking Accents

The English Language In 30 Accents (Animated)

50 English Accents

The English Language in 67 Accents & Random Voices

How to do a GERMAN ACCENT ?

 How to learn a foreign language

 The Secret to Learn a Language 
in 10 Days- Revealed !

How to learn a foreign language:
methods and principles 

 Technique to memorize  
100 words @ per hour 

 Learning French in 20 hours:
The First 30 minutes

* * * *

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